Research Methodology: Concepts and Cases/


Research Methodology: Concepts and Cases/ by Deepak Chawla and Neena Sondhi - New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 2011. - xxii,670p. CD

Section I : Research Process: Problem Definition, Hypothesis Formulation and Research Designs- 1.Introduction to Business Research--
2.Formulation of the Research Problem and Development of the Research Hypotheses--
3.Research Designs: Exploratory and Descriptive--
4.Experimental Research Designs --
Section II : Data Collection, Measurement and Scaling-
5.Secondary Data Collection Methods--
6.Qualitative Methods of Data Collection--
7.Attitude Measurement and Scaling--
8.Questionnaire Designing --
Section III : Respondents Selection and Data Preparation--
9.Sampling Considerations--
10.Data Processing -- Section IV : Preliminary Data Analysis and Interpretation--
11.Univariate and Bivariate Analysis of Data--
12.Testing of Hypotheses--
13.Analysis of Variance Techniques--
14.Non-Parametric Tests -- Section V : Advanced Data Analysis Techniques--
15.Correlation and Regression Analysis--
16. Factor Analysis--
17.Discriminant Analysis--
18.Cluster Analysis--
19.Multidimensional Scaling -- Section VI : Reporting Research Results-
20.Report Writing and Presentation of Results--
Comprehensive Cases--
Addendum 1: Conjoint Analysis--
Addendum 2: Ethical Issues in Business Research--
Appendix 1:, Appendix 2:, Appendix 3:, Appendix 4a:, Appendix 4b.

Research Methodology, concepts and cases provides a comprehensive and stepwise understanding of the research process with a balanced blend of theory, techniques and Indian illustrations from a wide cross-section of business areas. This book makes no presumptions and can be used with confidence and conviction by both students and experienced managers who need to make business sense of the data and information that is culled out through research groups. The conceptual base has been provided in comprehensive, yet simplistic detail, addressing even the minutest explanations required by the reader. The language maintains a careful balance between technical know-how and business jargon. Every chapter is profusely illustrated with business problems related to all domains - marketing, finance, human resource and operations. Thus, no matter what the interest area may be, the universal and adaptable nature of the research process is concisely demonstrated


Research -- Methodology.

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