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- A Berriedale Keith
- Albritton, Claude C ...
- Chandrasekharan, S N
- Chattopadhyaya, Bhas...
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- George Onakkoor
- Gurdon, PRT
- Helen Chase
- Kutschera, Franz Von
- Law, Narendranath
- Mani Madhava Chakyar
- Mcinnes, Neil
- Merkal, Peter H
- Rockhill, William Wo...
- Russell, R V
- Samuel Chandanapally...
- Sherring, M A
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Holding libraries
- Campus Library Kariavattom
- Dept. of Demography
- Dept. of Kerala Studies
- Dept. of Malayalam
- Dept. of Oriental Research and Manuscripts
- Dept. of Philosophy
- Dept. of Political Science
- Dept. of Psychology
- Dept. of Sanskrit
- Dept. of Statistics
- Dept. of Tamil
- Study Centre Pandalam ,University of Kerala
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- Election systems an...
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- Malayalam; Malayalam...
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- Social History of Mo...
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- Systems of governmen...
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