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Introduction to compact transformation groups Glen E Bredon by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512.2 BRE-I.
Advanced calculus with linear analysis Joseph R Lee by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: R 515.72 LEE-A.
Fourier series and integrals H Dym and H P McKean by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.2433 DYM-F.
Integral bases W E H Berwick by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Stechert-Hafner Service Agency, New York 1964
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512.7 BER-I.
Boundary value problems David L Powers by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.35 POW-B.
Treatise on analysis, Vol.3 J Dieudonne by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515 DIE-T.3.
Treatise on analysis, Vol.3 J Dieudonne by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515 DIE-T.3;1.
Algebraic numbers Paulo Ribenboim by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Wiley-Interscience, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512.7 RIB-A.
Approximation of elliptic boundary-value problems Jean-Pierre Aubin by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Wiley-Interscience, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 511.4 AUB-A.
Asymptotic methods in the theory of linear differential equations S F Feshchenko et al. by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: American Elsevier Publishing Co., New York 1967
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.35 FES-A.
Fundamental concepts of algebra Claude Chevalley by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1956
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512 CHE-F;1.
Ergodic theory Fred B Wright by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1963
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.42 WRI-E.
Multiparametereigenvalue problems, Vol.1: Matrices and compact operators F V Atkinson by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512.943 ATK-M.1.
Differential and integral inequalities: Theory and applications, Vol.1 V Lakshmikantham and S Leela by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1969
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.26 LAK-D.1.
Differential and integral inequalities: Theory and applications, Vol.2 V Lakshmikantham and S Leela by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1969
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.26 LAK-D.2.
Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space, Vol.2 N I Akhiezer and I M Glazman by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., New York 1963
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: R 515.733 AKH-T.2.
Course of mathematical analysis, Part1 A F Bermant by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., New York 1963
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515 BER-C.1.
Course of mathematical analysis, Part2 A F Bermant by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., New York 1963
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515 BER-C.2.
Differential geometry on complex and almost complex spaces Kentaro Yano by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., New York 1965
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 516.36 YAN-D.
Approximate calculation of integrals Vladimir Ivanovich Krylov by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., New York 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 511.4 KRY-A.
Introduction to lie groups and lie algebras Arthur A Sagle and Ralph E Walde by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512.55 SAG-I.
Progress in mathematics, Vol.01: Mathematical analysis R V Gamkrelidze by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Plenum Press, New York 1968
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515 GAM-P.1.
Progress in mathematics, Vol.02: Mathematical analysis R V Gamkrelidze by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Plenum Press, New York 1968
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515 GAM-P.2.
Functional analysis Walter Rudin by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: McGraw-Hill book Co, Inc, New York 1979
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.7 RUD-F;7.
Functional analysis Walter Rudin by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: McGraw-Hill book Co, Inc, New York 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.7 RUD-F;6.
Fourier series and boundary value problems Ruel V Churchill by Series:
Edition: 23
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York 1963
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.2433 CHU-F2.
Fundamental concepts of topology Peter V O'Neil by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 514 ONE-F.
Projective planes D R Hughes and F C Piper by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Springer-Verlag, New York 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 516.5 HUG-P.
Course in simple-homotopy theory M M Cohen by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Springer-Verlag, New York 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 514.24 COH-C.
Axiomatic set theory G Takeuti and W M Zaring by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Springer-Verlag, New York 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 511.322 TAK-A.
Course in arithmetic Jean-Pierre Serre by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Springer-Verlag, New York 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 513 SER-C.
Algebra: Rings, modules and categories 1 Carl Faith by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Springer-Verlag, New York 1970
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512.4 FAI-A.
Introduction to lie algebras and representation theory Humphreys Jemes E by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Springer-Verlag, New York 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512.55 HUM-I.
Algebraic systems A I Mal'cev by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Springer-Verlag, New York 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512 MAL-A.
Valuation theory Otto Endler by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Springer-Verlag, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.784 END-V.
Non-homogeneous boundary value problems and applications, Vol.3 J L Lions and E Magenes by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Springer-Verlag, New York 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.35 LIO-N.3.
Finiteness conditions and generalized soluble groups, Part1 Derek J S Robinson by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Springer-Verlag, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512.2 ROB-F.1.
Foundations of potential theory Oliver Dimon Kellogg by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Springer-Verlag, New York 1967
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.9 KEL-F.
Generalized functions and fourier analysis: An introduction John L Challifour by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: W A Benjamin Inc., New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 515.7 CHA-G.
Finite dimensional multilinear algebra, Part1 Marvin Marcus by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Marcel Dekker, INC. New York 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512.5 MAR-F.1.
Banach algebras: An introduction Ronald Larsen by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Marcel Dekker, INC. New York 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512.55 LAR-B.
Topological embeddings T Benny Rushing by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Academic Press, New York 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 514 RUS-T.
Handbook of mathematical tables and formulas Richard Stevens Burington by Series:
Edition: 23
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: McGraw-Hill book Co, Inc, New York 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: R 510.2 BUR-H5.
Algebraic coding theory Elwyn R Berlekamp by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: McGraw-Hill book Co, Inc, New York 1968
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 519.4 BER-A.
Algebraic coding theory Elwyn R Berlekamp by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: McGraw-Hill book Co, Inc, New York 1968
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 519.4 BER-A;1.
Progress in mathematics, Vol.05: Algebra R V Gamkrelidze by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Plenum Press, New York 1969
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512 GAM-P.05.
Progress in mathematics, Vol.09: Algebra and geometry R V Gamkrelidze by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Plenum Press, New York 1971
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512 GAM-P.09.
Progress in mathematics, Vol.12: Algebra and geometry R V Gamkrelidze by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Plenum Press, New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512 GAM-P.12.
Matrices with applications Hugh G Campbell by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Appleton Century Crofts, New York 1968
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 512.943 CAM-M;1.
Introduction to queueing theory Robert B Cooper by Series:
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., New York 1972
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Mathematics (1)Call number: 519.82 COO-I.