Oxford handbook of the Indian constitution / by
Material type: Text
Publication details: New Delhi, OUP, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Law (1)Call number: 342.0254 SUJ.O. Dept. of Political Science (1)Call number: 342.0254 SUJ.O.
Environmental law / Stuart Bell, Professor of Law, York Law School, University of York; Donald McGillivray, Reader in Law, Sussex Law School, University of Sussex; Ole W. Pedersen, Senior Lecturer in Law, Newcastle Law School, Newcastle University. by
Edition: Eighth edition.
Material type: Text
Publication details: UK, OUP, 2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Law (1)Call number: 344.046 BEL.E.
Public law : text, cases, and materials / by
Edition: Fourth edition.
Material type: Text
Publication details: UK, OUP, 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Law (1)Call number: 342.06 WEB.P.
Oxford handbook of international adjudication / editors, Cesare PR Romano, Professor of Law, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles; Karen J Alter, Professor of Political Science and Law, Northwestern University; Yuval Shany, Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University. by
Edition: First edition.
Material type: Text
Publication details: UK, OUP, 2014
Other title: - International adjudication
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Law (1)Call number: 341.6 ROM.O.
Comparative constitutionalism in South Asia / by
Material type: Text
Publication details: New Delhi, OUP, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Law (1)Call number: 342.001 SUN.C. Dept. of Political Science (1)Call number: 342.54029 KHI.C.
Law and society in modern India / by
Material type: Text
Publication details: New Delhi, OUP, 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Dept. of Law (1)Call number: 340.115 GAL.L.