Burguete, Maria & Lam, Lui

All about science : Philosophy, history, sociology & communication Edited By Maria Burguete & Lui Lam - 1 - Singapore: World Scientific, c2014. - i-xx+434P. - Science Matters series, No.3 .

1. About science 1: Basics
knowledge, nature, science and Scimat / Lui Lam
2. About science 2: Philosophy, history, sociology and communication / Lui Lam
pt. I. Philosophy of science. 3. Towards a phenomenological philosophy of science / Guo-Sheng Wu
4. The predicament of scientific culture in ancient China / Hong-Sheng Wang
5. What do scientists know! / Nigel Sanitt
6. How to deal with the whole: two kinds of holism in methodology / Jin-Yang Liu
pt. II. History of science. 7. Helicobacter: the ease and difficulty of a new discovery / Robin Warren
8. Science in Victorian era: new observations on two old theses / Dun Liu
9. Medical studies in Portugal around 1911 / Maria Burguete
10. The founding of the International Liquid Crystal Society / Lui Lam
pt. III. Sociology of science. 11. Three waves of science studies / Harry Collins
12. Solitons and revolution in China: 1978-1983 / Lui Lam
13. Scientific culture in contemporary China / Bing Liu and Mei-Fang Zhang
pt. IV. Communication of science. 14. Science communication: a history and review / Peter Broks
15. Popular-science writings in early modern China / Lin Yin
pt. V. Other science matters. 16. Understanding art through science: from Socrates to the contextual brain / Kajsa Berg
17. Spy video games after 9/11: narrative and pleasure / Ting-Ting Wang
18. Statistical physics for humanists: a tutorial / Dietrich Stauffer


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