
Prawns and Prawn Fisheries of India/ by C.V.Kurian and V.O.Sebastian - 2nd ed. - Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation, 1982. - xiv,286p.

1.The Phylum Arthropoda--
2.The Class Crustacea--
3.Development of a Marine and a Fresh Water Prawn of Commercial Importance--
4.The Indian Prawns of Commercial Importance--
5.Prawn Fishing Methods--
6.Lobster Fishery--
7.Prawn Culture Methods--
8.Processing of Prawns--
9.'Chakara' (Mud Bank) and Prawn Fishery--
10.Mark -Recovery Studies on Prawns--
11.Export of Crustaceans--
12.The Future of Prawn Fishery in India--
13.Pollution and Prawn Fishery.

Shrimp fisheries
Shrimp culture
Fisheries--Economic aspects

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