Adhikari Sudeepta

Fundamentals of Geographical Thought - Hyderabad Orient Blackswan 2019 - vii, 405p.

Includes bibliographical references and index

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Ancient Classical Geography
Chapter 3: Medieval Geography and Renaissance
Chapter 4: Foundation of Scientific Geography
Chapter 5: Classical Period of Modern Geography
Chapter 6: Impact of Darwinism and the New Scientific Geography
Chapter 7: Modern Geography of Germany
Chapter 8: Development of Professional Geography in France
Chapter 9: Modern British Geography
Chapter 10: Professional Geography in the Former Soviet Union and Contemporary Russia
Chapter 11: New Geography in the United States
Chapter 12: Geography in Modern India
Chapter 13: Environmental Determinism and Possibilism
Chapter 14: Recent Trends in Geography (Quantitative Revolution)
Chapter 15: Modern Concepts in Human Geography (Critical Revolution)
Chapter 16: Concept of Landscape and Region
Chapter 17: Geography: A New Synthesis
Chapter 18: Applied Geography
Chapter 19: Scientific Method in Geography
Chapter 20: Post-modernism, Deconstruction and Spatiality



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