Ghose, Aurobindo,

Sri Aurobindo: The Supramental manifestation and other writings Vol.16 - [De luxe ed.] - Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library [1970- - v.

Complete works of Sri Aurobindo Ghose collected, arranged, classified, and issued in connection with his birth centenary, 1972.

v. 2. Karmayogin; early political writings, 2.--v. 3. The harmony of virtue; early cultural writings. --v. 5. Collected poems; the complete poetical works.--v. 6-7. Collected plays and short stories.--v. 8. Translations from Sanskrit and other languages.--v. 9. The future poetry, and letters on poetry, literature and art.--v. 10. The secret of the Veda.--v. 11. Hymns to the mystic fire.--v. 12. The Upanishads; texts, translations and commentaries.--v. 13. Essays on the Gita.--v. 14. The foundations on Indian culture and the renaissance in India.--v. 15. Social and political thought.--v. 16. The supramental manifestation, and other writings.--v. 17. The hour of God, and other writings.--v. 18-19. The life divine.--v. 20-21. The synthesis of yoga.--v. 22-24. Letters on yoga.--v. 25. The Mother, with letters on the Mother, and translations of prayers and meditations.--v. 26. On himself; compiled from notes and letters. --v. 28-29. Savitri; a legend and a symbol.

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