Bhakti and Power : Debating India’s Religion of the Heart - Hyderabad Orient Blackswan 2019 - 272 : Pages


Introduction: The Power of Bhakti Situations Chapter One Affect and Identity in Early Bhakti: Karaikkal Ammaiyar as Poet, Servant, and Pey Karen Pechilis Chapter Two Religious Equality, Social Conservatism: The Shiva-Bhakti Community as Imagined in Early Kannada Hagiographies Gil Ben-Herut Chapter Three Caste and Women in Early Modern India: Krishna Bhakti in Sixteenth-Century Vrindavan Heidi R. M. Pauwels Chapter Four “Are You All Coming to the Esplanade?”: Devotional Music and Contingent Politics in West Bengal Eben Graves Chapter Five All the Valmikis Are One: Bhakti as Majoritarian Project Joel Lee Mediations Chapter Six The Political Theology of Bhakti, or When Devotionalism Meets Vernacularization Christian Lee Novetzke Chapter Seven Bhakti as Elite Cultural Practice: Digambar Jain Bhakti in Early Modern North India John E. Cort Chapter Eight Lover and Yogi in Punjabi Sufi Poetry: The Story of Hir and Ranjha Manpreet Kaur Chapter Nine Illuminating the Formless: God, King, and Devotion in an Assamese Illustrated Manuscript Phyllis Granoff Chapter Ten Bhakti as Relationship: Drawing Form and Personality from the Formless David L. Haberman Chapter Eleven Bhakti the Mediator John Stratton Hawley Solidarities Chapter Twelve Singing in Protest: Early Modern Hindu-Muslim Encounters in Bengali Hagiographies of Chaitanya Kiyokazu Okita Chapter Thirteen Bhakti and Power from the Inside: A Devotee’s Reading of What Chaitanya Achieved Shrivatsa Goswami Chapter Fourteen Fall from Grace?: Caste, Bhakti, and Politics in Late Eighteenth-Century Marwar Divya Cherian Chapter Fifteen The Ties That Bind: Individual, Family, and Community in Northwestern Bhakti Tyler Williams Chapter Sixteen Waterscape and Memory: The Aina-i Tirhut of Bihari Lal “Fitrat” and the Politics of a Bhakti Past Aditi Natasha Kini and William R. Pinch Chapter Seventeen Bhakti in the Classroom: What Do American Students Hear? Richard H. Davis Bibliography List of Contributors Index

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