Telecommunications: Technology vision 2020/ - New Delhi: Technology information, forecasting and assessment council, 1997.

Some of the immediate specific actions required, emerging out of the study are:

Extensive deployment of optical fibre in the existing network as well as for the network to be laid in coming years to support new broadband services is stressed to be more important.

Taking necessary steps to ensure sufficient use of radio frequency spectrum, ensuring maximum economic benefit & effective wireless technologies are also considered to play significant role.

Targeting R&D activity to strategic areas to work on specific socially relevant applications and efforts to raise funding through collaborative R&D in strategic alliances and regional initiatives should be pursued in the field of R&D.

Orientation of Indian telecommunications industry from being technology, equipment & product focused to being services focused is brought out as an immediate specific action.

Introduction of new technologies in the network, to accelerate the development of telecommunications infrastructure in rural and remote areas also requires an immediate action.

Upgradation of quality of human resources in telecommunications industry, and strengthening of India's core competence in software & design are stressed to be important.

Appropriate modifications of rules and procedures to ensure the above stated recommendations to be implementable are also discussed so that urgent attention may be given to these aspects as well.

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