Vital and health statistics : data from the national health survey / - Washington : U S department of health education and welfare, 1971. - 35p. : - National center for health statistics .

Divorces and divoece rates
Office visits for diseases of the circulatory system
Duration of marriage before divorce
Measures of chronic illness
Prevalence of selected chronic digestive conditions
Medical x ray visits and examinations during pregnancy
Podiatry manpower
Comparison of neonatal mortality from two cohort studies
Comparison of hospitalization reporting
Loudness balance study of selected audiometer earphones
Language and adjustment scales for the thematic appreciation test for children 6-11 years
The analytical potential of NCHS data for health care systems
Marriage statistics analysis
Average length of stay in short stay hospitals Skinfolds,body girths, biacromial diameter and selected anthropometric indices of adults
Comparability of age on the death certificate and matching census record
Uniform hospital abstract
Total serum cholesterol levels of adults 18-74 years
Prevalence of selected chronic digestive conditions
opticians employed in health services
Children and youth
Prevalence of chronic skin and musculoskeletal conditions
A methodological study of quality control procedures for mortality medical coding
The model state health statistics act
National survey of familty growth, cycle 2
Characteristics of visually impaired persons
Persons injured and disability days
Plan,operation, and response results
Divorces by marriage cohort
Suicide in the united states

Vital and health

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