Vital and health statistics : data from the national health survey / - Washington : U S department of health education and welfare, 1971. - 35p. : - National center for health statistics .

Administrators of nursing and personal care homes
Self reported health behavior and attitudes of youths 12-17 years
Behaviour patterns in school
Refraction status and motility defects of persons 4-74 years
Selected vital and health statistics
Employees in nursing homes in the united states
History and examination findings related to visual acuity among adults
Serum cholesterol levels of persons 4-74 years of age
Variations in birth weight
A study of infant mortality from linked records
Prevalence of selected chronic digestive conditions
Characteristics, social contact, and activities of nursing home residents
Natality statistics analysis
NCHS growth curves for children
Body weight, stature and sitting height
Trends and differentials in brths to unmarries women
International conference on the perinatal and infant mortality problem of the united states
Congenital anomalies and birth Injuries among live birthsMortality from selectyed causes by marital status
Leading components of upturn in mortalityfor men
Natality statistics analysis
Cohort mortality and survivorshipHospital discharges and length of stay

Vital and health

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