Vital and health statistics : data evaluation and methods research / - Washington : U S Department of health education and welfare, 1977. - NCHS .

Statistics needed for national policies related to fertility
Health interview survey procedure
Utilization of short stay hospitals by persons dioscharged with alcohol related diagnosis
The status of hospital discharge data in Denmark,Scotland,West Germany and the USA
monocular-binocular visualacuityof adults
Limitations of activity
Marriage statistics analysis
Selected health characteristics
Personal out of pocket health expenses
Prevalence of chronic skin and musculoskeletal conditions
Health characteristics of persons with chronic activity limitations
The national ambulatory medical survey
Development and evaluation of an expaded hearing loss scale questionnaire
Intellectual development and school achievement of youths12-17 years
Color vision deficiencies in children
Development of the design of the NCHS hospital discharge survey
Limitations of activity due to chronic conditions
Visual activity of children
Persons hospitalized
Characteristics of person with hypertensions
Orthodontic treatment priority index
Hospital and surgical insurance coverage
The association of health attitudes and petrceptions of youths
Refractions status and motility defects of persons 4-74 years

Health statistics

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