Anya M Hillery

Drug delivery and targeting for pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists - London ; New York Taylor & Francis 2001 - xv, 475 pages : illustrations

Drug Delivery: The Basic Concepts. Drug Delivery: Market Perspectives. Advanced Drug Delivery and Targeting: An Introduction. Rate Control in Drug Delivery and Targeting: Fundamentals and Applications to Implantable Systems. Drug targeting Systems: Fundamentals and Applications to Parenteral Drug Delivery. Oral drug Delivery. Oral Trans-Mucosal Drug Delivery. Transdermal Drug Delivery. Nasal Drug Delivery. Pulmonary Drug Delivery. Vaginal Drug Delivery. Opthalmic Drug Delivery. Drug Delivery to the Central Nervous System. Plasmid Based Gene Therapy. Integrating Drug Discovery and Delivery: Creating a Mechanistic Framework for Advanced Drug Delivery. New Generation Technologies.

An accessible, easy-to-read textbook, this is the first book to provide a comprehensive introduction to the principles of advanced drug delivery and targeting, their current applications and potential future developments.


Drug delivery systems. Drug targeting. Drug Delivery Systems -- methods.

615.6 DRU