Christopher Negus

Ubuntu Linux Toolbox - Indianapolis Wiley Publishing 2008 - xxvi, 333 p. : ill; 23 cm

1. Starting With Ubuntu Linux -- 2. Installing Ubuntu and Adding Software -- 3. Using the Shell -- 4. Working with Files -- 5. Manipulating Text -- 6. Playing with Multimedia -- 7. Administering File Systems -- 8. Backups and Removable Media -- 9. Checking and Managing Running Processes -- 10. Managing the System -- 11. Managing Network Connections -- 12. Accessing Network Resources -- 13. Doing Remote System Administration -- 14. Lock Down Security -- Appendix A. Text Editing Reference (vi) -- Appendix B. Shell Metacharacters and Shell Variables -- Appendix C. Getting Information from/proc -- Bibliography -- Index.

Provides information on using Ubuntu Linux from the command line, covering such topics as using the shell, working with files, backing up data, accessing network resources, and handling remote system administration.


Linux. Operating systems (Computers)

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