Sokol, D. Daniel, ed.

Patent assertion entities and competition policy edited by D. Daniel Sokol. - pages cm

Introduction / D. Daniel Sokol -- Missing the Forest for the Trolls / Mark A. Lemley and A. Douglas Melamed -- Empirical Evidence on the Behavior and Impact of Patent Trolls : A Survey / Lauren Cohen, Umit G. Gurun, and Scott Duke Kominers -- Assertion of Standard-Essential Patents by Non- Practicing Entities / Jorge L. Contreras -- Patent Privateering : The Rise of Hybrid Patent Assertion Entities / D. Daniel Sokol -- Regulating Patent Assertions / Paul R. Gugliuzza -- Patent Assertion Entities in Europe / Brian J. Love, Christian Helmers, Fabian Gaessler, and Max Ernicke -- Treatment of PAEs / Patent-Assertion Entities under Korean Antitrust Law / Haksoo Ko and Jeong Seo -- Patent Assertion Entities Issues in China / Meng Yanbei -- Patent Assertion Entities and Competition Law in Japan / Tadashi Shiraishi - Patent Assertion Entities in Merger Review in Taiwan : Issues of Characterization and Remedies / Andy C. M. Chen.

9781107124257 (hardback)


Patent assertion entities.
Antitrust law.
Patent infringement.
LAW / Antitrust.

346.0486 / SOK.P