Hands-on Data Science for Librarians
Lin, Sarah
Hands-on Data Science for Librarians by Sarah Lin and Dorris Scott - New York CRC Press 2023 - 180p.
Includes Bibliography and Index
Introduction-data Science-Using R Studio's IDE- tidying Data with dplyr - visualizing your project with ggplot2 - webscraping with rvest- Mapping with tmap - Textual analysis with tidytext - creating dynamic documents with rmarkdown - creating a flexdashboard - creating an interactive dashboard with Shiny - Using tidymodels to understand Machine Learning
005.74 LIN/HAN
Hands-on Data Science for Librarians by Sarah Lin and Dorris Scott - New York CRC Press 2023 - 180p.
Includes Bibliography and Index
Introduction-data Science-Using R Studio's IDE- tidying Data with dplyr - visualizing your project with ggplot2 - webscraping with rvest- Mapping with tmap - Textual analysis with tidytext - creating dynamic documents with rmarkdown - creating a flexdashboard - creating an interactive dashboard with Shiny - Using tidymodels to understand Machine Learning
005.74 LIN/HAN