Python for the life sciences : A gentle introduction to Python for life scientists

Lancaster, Alexander & Webster, Gordon

Python for the life sciences : A gentle introduction to Python for life scientists By Alexander Lancaster, Gordon Webster - 1 - Apress, c2019. - i-xxxvi+376P.

1. Getting Started with Python
2. Python at the Lab Bench
3. Making Sense of Sequences
4. A Statistical Interlude
5. Open Doors to your Data
6. Finding Needles in Haystacks
7. Object Lessons
8. Slicing and Dicing Genomic Data
9. The Wells! The Wells!
10. Well on the Way
11. Molecules in 3D
12. Turning Genes on and off
13. Taming the Network Hairball
14. Genetic Feedback Loops
15. Growing a Virtual Garden
16. How the Leopard got its Spots
17. Foxes Guarding Hen Houses
18. A Virtual Flu Epidemic
19. Retracing Lifes Footsteps

Treat yourself to a lively, intuitive, and easy-to-follow introduction to computer programming in Python. The book was written specifically for biologists with little or no prior experience of writing code - with the goal of giving them not only a foundation in Python programming, but also the confidence and inspiration to start using Python in their own research.


Computer programming Electronic books Programmation (Informatique) Python (Computer program language)

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