The Cambridge natural history , Vol. II: Flatworms and Mesozoa;Nemertines,Rotifers,Thread-Worms,Sagitta,Gephyrea and Phoronis;Earthworms and Leeches;Polychaet Worms and Polyzoa/
The Cambridge natural history , Vol. II: Flatworms and Mesozoa;Nemertines,Rotifers,Thread-Worms,Sagitta,Gephyrea and Phoronis;Earthworms and Leeches;Polychaet Worms and Polyzoa/ edited by S.F.Harmer and A.E.Shipley - England: Wheldon &Wesley,Ltd., 1970. - 560p.
590 / HAR/C V.2
The Cambridge natural history , Vol. II: Flatworms and Mesozoa;Nemertines,Rotifers,Thread-Worms,Sagitta,Gephyrea and Phoronis;Earthworms and Leeches;Polychaet Worms and Polyzoa/ edited by S.F.Harmer and A.E.Shipley - England: Wheldon &Wesley,Ltd., 1970. - 560p.
590 / HAR/C V.2