DNA Repair Mechanisms/

Hanawalt,Philip C,ed.

DNA Repair Mechanisms/ edited by Philip C Hanawalt ,Errol C Friedberg and C.Fred Fox - New York: Academic Press, 1978. - xviii,812p. - ICN-UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology Vol.IX,1978. .

1.Repairable Damage:Identification and Quantification --
2.Repair Pathways:Models,Systems,and Perspectives--
3.Mechanisms and Diversity of Enzymatic Photoreactivation--
4.Base Excision Repair--
5.Nucleotide Extension Repair in Bacteria--
6.Excision Repair in Mammalian Cells--
7. Inducible/Error-Prone Repair in Procaryotes--
8.Repair in Lower Eucaryotes--
9.Strand Break Repair in Mammalian Cells--
10.Replicative Bypass Mechanisms in Mammalian Cells--
11.Viral probes for DNA Repair--
12.Heriditary Repair Deffects in Man:Xeroderma Pigmentosum--
13.Repair Defficiency and Human Disease :Other Hereditary Defects--
14.Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis--
15.Consequences of DNA Damage and Repair.


DNA repair

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