Public Administration in India/


Public Administration in India/ by Siuli Sarkar - New Delhi: PHI Learning, 2010. - xiv,386p.

1. Continuity and Change in Indian Administration:
A Brief Historical Outline--
1.1 Introduction--
1.2 Indian Administration: Different Phases --
1.3 Post-Independence Administration: Various Features--
1.4 Changing Role of Indian Administration-- 2. The Civil Service in India:
2.1 Introduction--
2.2 Structure of Civil Services--
2.3 Terms and Conditions of UPSC Jobs--
2.4 Two Agencies or Instruments of Recruitment: Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service Commission--
2.5 Training of Higher Civil Services in India-- 3. Administration and Politics of India:
The Central Picture--
3.1 Introduction--
3.2 Meaning, Nature, Functions and Role of the Central Secretariat--
3.3 Structure of the Central Secretariat--
3.4 Prime Minister’s Secretariat/Office--
3.5 Cabinet Secretariat--
3.6 The Cabinet Secretary--
3.7 Union Government--
3.8 President of India--
3.9 Vice-President of India--
3.10 Prime Minister and Council of Ministers--
3.11 Several Ministries--
3.12 Cabinet Committees-- 4. Administration and Politics of India: The Provincial(State)Picture--
4.1 Introduction--
4.2 State Secretariat: Functions and Structure--
4.3 Chief Secretary--
4.4 Departments/Directorates--
4.5 Secretariat and Field Departments in States: Their Mutual Relationship--
4.6 Chief Secretary as the Link between Various Components of the State Government--
4.7 State Government: The Political Profile--
4.8 Governor: The Constitutional Head of the State Government--
4.9 Chief Minister: The Real Head of the State Government--
4.10 Council of Ministers -- 5. District Administration: Changing Role of the Collector--
5.1 Introduction--
5.2 District Administration: Its Functions--
5.3 Organization of District Administration
5.5 Changing Role of Collector--
5.6 Manysided Tasks of the Collector--
5.7 Collector as the Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla Parishad--
5.4 Collector: Evolution of His Role in District Administration-- 6. Local Self Government in India: An Urban Picture--
6.1 Meaning of Local Self Government--
6.2 Local Self Government as an International Concept --
6.3 Local Self Government in India: The General Philosophy--
6.4 Urban Local Self Government in India--
6.5 Seventy-Fourth Constitutional Amendment-- 7. Local Self Government in India: A Rural Picture--
7.1 Introduction 168
7.2 Balvantrai Mehta Committee and Asoka Mehta Committe--
7.3 Local Governemnt in Rural India: Various Tiers --
7.4 The Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1993--
7.5 Panchayats in Three Southern States of India --
7.6 West Bengal: A Unique Picture of Panchayats-- 8. Women’s Participation in Local Self Government--
8.1 Introduction--
8.2 Women in Society and Politics: The World View--
8.3 Movements and Indian Women--
8.4 Indian Women and Panchayati Raj Politics:A Pre-Reservation Picture--
8.5 Constitutional Provision for the Uplift of Women --
8.6 The Immediate Results: Post-Reservation Picture--
8.7 Grass Roots Initiatives: Picture of Indian Panchayats in General --
8.8 Empowerment and Development--
8.9 Empowerment of Women: Some Problems and Constraints--
8.10 Women’s Empowerment: An Optimistic View-- 9. Planning and Plan Administration--
9.1 Introduction--
9.2 Indian Planning: Aims and Features--
9.3 Planning Commission--
9.4 National Development Council (NDC) --
9.5 Planning Machinery at the State Level--
9.6 District Planning-- 10. Financial Administration --
10.1 Introduction--
10.2 Finance Commission--
10.3 Parliamentary Committees.

This provides a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the Indian public administrative system, taking into consideration the various administrative structures at the Central, State, district and local levels. It begins by providing a brief outline of public administration in India and the changing role of Indian administration.


Public administration

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