The Utterly Butterly Milkman: A birth centenary commemorative curated by Nirmala Kurien/

The Utterly Butterly Milkman: A birth centenary commemorative curated by Nirmala Kurien/ by Nirmala Kurian - Chennai: Westland Non Fiction, 2021. - 328p.

The Utterly Butterly Milkman: A Birth Centenary Commemorative Verghese Kurien is a legend, the 'milkman of India, the Father of the White Revolution?the man who made his country the worlds largest producer of milk. He not only transformed the dairy industry, but was also way ahead of his time with his farmer-centric approach. A man of firm principles, Kuriens legacy is also that he would take no shortcut and would always speak out. Who was this extraordinary man truly, though? How will history remember him? What anecdotes about him will get passed down the generations? In this centenary commemorative curated by his daughter, Kuriens



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