Wetclimate-2014;Proceedings of National seminar: Lakes,Rivers and wetland ecosystems-A Climate change perspective -190-21 march2014
Arun kumar,K.S
Wetclimate-2014;Proceedings of National seminar: Lakes,Rivers and wetland ecosystems-A Climate change perspective -190-21 march2014 K.S.Arunkumar and V.A.Ayisha - Malappuram Depatment of P.G studies & Research in Geology 2014
551.41 ARU.W / GEOG2
Wetclimate-2014;Proceedings of National seminar: Lakes,Rivers and wetland ecosystems-A Climate change perspective -190-21 march2014 K.S.Arunkumar and V.A.Ayisha - Malappuram Depatment of P.G studies & Research in Geology 2014
551.41 ARU.W / GEOG2