Public Economics

Myles Gareth D

Public Economics - Cambridge University of Cambridge 1995 - xvi, 546p.

Includes bibliographical references

Select Frontmatter
Frontmatterpp i-viii
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Select Contents
Contentspp ix-x
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Select List of figures
List of figurespp xi-xiii
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Select List of tables
List of tablespp xiv-xiv
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Select Preface
Prefacepp xv-xvi
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Select Part I - Foundations
Part I - Foundationspp 1-2
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Select 1 - Introduction
1 - Introductionpp 3-17
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Select 2 - General equilibrium and welfare economics
2 - General equilibrium and welfare economicspp 18-58
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Select 3 - Topics in measurement
3 - Topics in measurementpp 59-96
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Select Part II - Analysis in the competitive economy
Part II - Analysis in the competitive economypp 97-98
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Select 4 - Commodity taxation
4 - Commodity taxationpp 99-130
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Select 5 - Income taxation
5 - Income taxationpp 131-166
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Select 6 - Policy reform
6 - Policy reformpp 167-195
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Select 7 - Risk
7 - Riskpp 196-230
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Select 8 - Corporate taxation
8 - Corporate taxationpp 231-260
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Select Part III - Relaxing the assumptions
Part III - Relaxing the assumptionspp 261-262
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Select 9 - Public goods
9 - Public goodspp 263-311
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Select 10 - Externalities
10 - Externalitiespp 312-347
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Select 11 - Imperfect competition
11 - Imperfect competitionpp 348-382
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Select 12 - Tax evasion
12 - Tax evasionpp 383-412
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Select Part IV - Introducing real time
Part IV - Introducing real timepp 413-414
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Select 13 - Overlapping generations economies
13 - Overlapping generations economiespp 415-445
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Select 14 - Social security
14 - Social securitypp 446-484
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Select 15 - Debt and taxation
15 - Debt and taxationpp 485-515
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Select References
Referencespp 516-535
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Select Author index
Author indexpp 536-541
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Select Subject index
Subject indexpp 542-546
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Welfare Economics
Economic Policy
Public Welfare
Social Choice

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