Plant Taxonomy

Sharma O P

Plant Taxonomy - 2nd ed. - Chennai MGH 2017 - xxii, 564p.

Includes index

1. Introduction
2. History of Plant Taxonomy
3. Classification
4. Taxonomic Structure
5. Plant Collection and Specimen Preparation
6. Plant Identification
7. Examination of Plant Specimen
8. Plant Nomenclature and Botanical Names
9. Modern Trends in Plant Taxonomy
10. Numerical Taxonomy
11. Chemotaxonomy
12. Serotaxonomy
13. Phylogeny: Origin and Evolution of Angiosperm
14. Molecular Taxonomy
15. Botanical Library
16. Herbarium
17. Botanical Gardens
18. Floral Formula and Floral Diagram
19. Position of selected families in classification systems proposed by Bentham and Hooker, Engler and Prantl, Hutchinson, Takhtajan, Cronquist, and Thorne
20. Terms of Plant Description
21. Selected Families of Dicotyledons
22. Selected Families of Monocotyledons
23. Examination Tool A
24. Examination Tool B


Plant Taxonomy

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