Vital and health statistics : data from the national health survey /

Vital and health statistics : data from the national health survey / - Washington : U S department of health education and welfare, 1976. - 90p. : - National center for health statistics .

Skeletal maturity of youths 12-17 years
Hematocrit values of youth 12-17 years
Socioeconomic differentials and trends in the timing of births
Basic data on depressive symtomatology
Basic data on anthropometric measurements and angular measurements of the hip and knee joints for selected age groups 1-74 years of age
Use of special aids
Trends in breast feeding among American mothers
Visits for medical and dental care during the year precedings childbirth
Forced vital capacity of children 6-11 years
Age at menarche
Age at menopause Selected genetic markers of blood and secretions for youths 12-17 years of age
Podiatry manpower : characteristics of clinical practice
Needs for national studies of population dynamics
Plan and initial program of the health examination survey
National survey of family growth cycle II : sample design estimation procedures and variance estimation
Office visits for diseases of the circulatory system national ambulatory medical care survey
Utilization of short stay hospitals summary of nonmedical statistics
Body dimentions and proportions white and Negro children 6-11 years
Health interview survey procedure

Vital and health

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