Vital and health statistics : data evaluation and methods research /

Vital and health statistics : data evaluation and methods research / - Washington : U S Department of health education and welfare, 1977. - NCHS .

A Current validational study of the NCHS
Blood donor characteristics and type of blood donations
Vital registration systems in five developing countries
Acute conditions incidence and associated disability
Services and activivities offered to nursing home residents
Plan and operation of the health and nutrition examination survey
Characteristics,social contacts and activities of nursing home residents
Uniform hospital abstract minimum basic data set
Patient charge statistics
Health characteristics
Weight and height of adults
Blood pressure of adults by race and area
Inpatient utilization of short-stay hospitals in each geographic division
Forced vital capacity of children 6-11 years
Hearing levels of children by age and sex
Patient charges in short stay hospitals
Periodontal disease among youths 12-17 years
Inpatient facilities
Hypertensions amd hypersensitive heart disease in adults
The 1968 revision of the standard certificates
National survey of family growth,cycle 1
Osteoarthritis and body measurements
Compatability of age on the death certificate and matching census record
Divorce statistics analysisNatality statistics analysis
Family planning visits by teenagers
Discharges from nursing homes
Utilization of short stay hospitals
An inventory of family planning service sites institutional characteristics
Profile of chronic illness in nursing homes
Home care for persons 55 years and over
Changes in cigarette smoking habiota between 1955 and 1966

food consumption profiles ofb white and black persons aged 1-74 years

Health statistics

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