Machine learning for beginners: Learn to build learning systems using Python
Bhasin, Harsh
Machine learning for beginners: Learn to build learning systems using Python Harsh Bhasin - 1 Ed. - New Delhi: BPB Publication: 2020. - i-xvii+244p.
This books covers important concepts and topics in ML. This book coveres algorithms and implementations of the most common features selection techniques. It begins with Data cleansing and presents an overview of feature selection.
An Introduction to ML
Preprocessing and feature selection
Neural Network I-The perception
Neural Network II-The Multi layer perception
Support vector machine
Decision trees
Feature extraction
Towards the end, the book gives a brief overview of unsupervised learning. Various feature extraction techniques, such as fourier transform, STFT, and local Binary patterns are covered.
Classification algorithms- Machine Learning- Mathematical Modelling
006.31 / BHA-M
Machine learning for beginners: Learn to build learning systems using Python Harsh Bhasin - 1 Ed. - New Delhi: BPB Publication: 2020. - i-xvii+244p.
This books covers important concepts and topics in ML. This book coveres algorithms and implementations of the most common features selection techniques. It begins with Data cleansing and presents an overview of feature selection.
An Introduction to ML
Preprocessing and feature selection
Neural Network I-The perception
Neural Network II-The Multi layer perception
Support vector machine
Decision trees
Feature extraction
Towards the end, the book gives a brief overview of unsupervised learning. Various feature extraction techniques, such as fourier transform, STFT, and local Binary patterns are covered.
Classification algorithms- Machine Learning- Mathematical Modelling
006.31 / BHA-M