ATL internals

Rector, Brent; Sells, Chris

ATL internals - 1 - Reading, MA : Addison Wesley Longman, c1999. - xvi, 635 p. : ill. ;

Ch. 1. Hello, ATL --
Ch. 2. ATL Smart Types: Strings, BSTRs, VARIANTs, and Interface Pointers --
Ch. 3. Objects in ATL --
Ch. 4. COM Servers --
Ch. 5. Interface Maps --
Ch. 6. Persistence in ATL --
Ch. 7. Collections and Enumerators --
Ch. 8. Connection Points --
Ch. 9. Windowing --
Ch. 10. ActiveX Controls --
Ch. 11. Control Containment --
App. A. C++ Templates by Example --
App. B. ATL Classes and Headers.

The Active Template Library (ATL) is a set of small, efficient, and flexible classes that facilitate the creation of interoperable COM components. Written for experienced COM and Visual C++ programmers, this book provides in-depth coverage of ATL's inner workings. It offers insight into the rationale behind ATL design, explains its architectural underpinnings, shows how ATL maps to COM, and describes important implementation details.


Application software

005.268 / REC-A