Taxonomic Reappraisal of two species of Biophytum DC.(Oxalidaceae) and its Chemical characterisation for the isolation of the bioactive biflavanoid. amentoflavone. Ph D Thesis
Taxonomic Reappraisal of two species of Biophytum DC.(Oxalidaceae) and its Chemical characterisation for the isolation of the bioactive biflavanoid. amentoflavone. Ph D Thesis ENGLISH - - Trivandrum DEPT OF BOTANY, UNIVERSITY OF KERALA 2017 - 164 HB
Ph D Thesis
Taxonomic Reappraisal of two species of Biophytum DC.(Oxalidaceae) and its Chemical characterisation for the isolation of the bioactive biflavanoid. amentoflavone. Ph D Thesi
Taxonomic Reappraisal of two species of Biophytum DC.(Oxalidaceae) and its Chemical characterisation for the isolation of the bioactive biflavanoid. amentoflavone. Ph D Thesis ENGLISH - - Trivandrum DEPT OF BOTANY, UNIVERSITY OF KERALA 2017 - 164 HB
Ph D Thesis
Taxonomic Reappraisal of two species of Biophytum DC.(Oxalidaceae) and its Chemical characterisation for the isolation of the bioactive biflavanoid. amentoflavone. Ph D Thesi