Principles and Practices of Working with Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability A Student Guide


Principles and Practices of Working with Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability A Student Guide - London Routledge 2019 - 237p.

Providing insight into current research, and comprehensive guidance on recent legislation and policy, this key text offers anyone working or preparing to work with children with SEND with essential academic and theoretical understanding to underpin and inform existing and future practice. Exploring prime areas in which professionals work directly with children with SEND, chapters broach current issues and debates relating to practice, and examine recent advances in research, policy and legislation in areas including education, health and social care. This interdisciplianry approach, coupled with case studies, points for reflection and clearly signposted activities throughout, gives readers the opportunity to develop a thorough understanding of the complexities surrounding SEND and enables them to relate these to their own practice.


Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Disability

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